The Apex Dining Café is open from Wednesday 12 March. The Gallery will reopen on Thursday 13 March.
No exhibition in Margaret Olley Art Centre 5 – 18 March 2025. Olley’s home studio re-creation remains on permanent display.
15 July 2022 - 18 September 2022
1 Image credit: Linda Kruger (left) Three Pink Tumblers (detail) 2022, acrylic on canvas, 43cm x 33cm; (right) Tokyu Hands Shears (detail) 2022, acrylic on canvas, 32.5cm x 27.5cm. Images courtesy the artist
In this exhibition, Linda Kruger celebrates everyday objects. Her subjects range from rough-hewn hollow forms to detailed and contextualised still lifes. Some vessels are stripped back to the essentials, inviting us to enjoy whatever histories and associations they may conjure — hollow, and yet far from empty. Other forms appear in unexpected contexts, suggesting story and character without completely giving up their secrets.
A Tweed Regional Gallery initiative. An outcome of the Community Access Exhibitions Program.
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Official OpeningFriday 22 July | 6–8pm | Free | Bookings essential Book now
Sunday Session inspired by Linda Kruger’s VesselsSunday 24 July | Drop in, 10am–2pm | Free Drop into the Gallery Foyer for a special Sunday Session inspired by the exhibition Vessel. Create your own still life collage with materials provided. Book now