Olive Cotton Award – frequently asked questions

How much does it cost?

Entry fee is $35.00 per entry including GST and is not refundable in any circumstances.

When do entries close?

Entries close 5 pm Tuesday 13 May 2025. All key dates are in the conditions of entry.

Who can enter?

Australian citizens or residents of at least 12 months.

How many times can I enter?

You can submit up to 2 entries. You can submit and pay for 2 entries using the one online form.

Can I enter as a duo or collective?

Yes. If you are a collaborating duo/collective you can enter one work as a collaborating duo/collective and still submit an entry as a single artist.

Who is this year’s Award Judge?

To celebrate the 20-year anniversary the Olive Cotton Award, we have a panel of 4 judges:

The 2025 Guest Judges are:

  • Sally McInerney, photographer and daughter of Olive Cotton, and inaugural Award Judge in 2005.
  • Glenn Iseger-Pilkington (Nhanda Yamatji and Noongar Peoples/Dutch/ Scottish) Director of Content, Strategy and Partnerships for the Aboriginal Cultural Centre Project, WA.
  • Angela Connor, Senior Curator, Museum of Australian Photography (MAPh), Vic.
  • Shaune Lakin, Senior Curator, Photography, National Gallery of Australia (NGA), ACT.

How old can my entry be?

A portrait taken from May 2023 up to the closing date is eligible.

Can I have shown my entry before?

Entries must not have been previously exhibited (including in an online exhibition or prize but excluding your personal webpage or on social media). An exhibition attached to tertiary study, such as a Masters or PhD, is not considered previously exhibited.

Can I enter the same work into another prize?

Entries must not have been selected for any other prize at time of entry into this prize. Entries are no longer eligible if selected in another prize after entering this prize. Artists should contact the Gallery if the entered work is selected for multiple prizes.

My entry is part of a series. Is that allowable?

The entry you submit may be similar to an exhibited work (for example, if you took a series of shots and you previously exhibited an image from the series but choose a different one to submit to the award). If your submitted image is very similar, we may check with you, and you will need to be able to demonstrate that it is different to your previously published/exhibited image.

Can I use AI?

Yes, however it is important that you understand the conditions under which you may use AI to be eligible. The 2025 Olive Cotton Award conditions of entry state:

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools may be used in the creation of the photographic portrait, but AI-generated content must not constitute a substantive part of the final artwork. Entrants using generative AI tools in the creative process must provide details on how and to what extent the AI was used in the creation of the artwork and the specific tools used.

The entrants must read the information sheets on AI and copyright (links below) prior to submitting their artwork(s), and warrant that all required consents have been obtained, including but not limited to any copyright or intellectual property material, names, images and/or likeness contained in the AI tools used. The Gallery reserves the right to exclude any entry considered to contain substantive AI-generated content.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Copyright - Arts Law Centre of Australia

Copyright Information Sheet – Arts Law Centre of Australia

Why must my entry be for sale?

Your work must be available for purchase because it is an acquisitive prize ($20,000), with additional purchase awards up to the maximum value of $4,000 wholesale as part of the Director’s Choice Award, following selection of the winner.

Can the entry be of any subject?

The image must be a portrait. The image does not necessarily have to contain a person (for example, a photograph of a person’s bedroom or office or an object may be considered a portrait). In past years, typically, photographs of animals only have not been favoured for selection. Selection is at the judges’ discretion.

The photographer should have the subject’s permission to take the photograph and enter the award. Nudes are allowable where consent is clear. Discretion should be taken where child nudity is included. If you have concerns, you may discuss them with the Award Coordinator and/or Gallery Director, including showing your planned entry image if you wish.

Is a diptych/triptych or multiple images allowable?

A diptych/triptych that has overall dimensions not exceeding the maximum size, and is presented as one piece only, is acceptable (for example, 2 or 3 images framed within one frame; for an unframed exhibition print, printed onto one piece of paper).

Your initial entry image should also be presented as one image (i.e. all images in one digital image file showing correct placement next to each other).

These same conditions can be applied to an image consisting of multiple frames (for example, a triptych or a grid of 20 individual images, etc.). 


Does it have to be framed?

No.  An unframed entry is accepted where this presentation is integral to the artwork. Unframed work will be hung using pins. It is recommended that you reinforce corners on the reverse side. Alternatively, the Gallery will add reinforcing if it is considered that it is required. Unframed works are handled with care but are submitted at the entrant’s risk. The Gallery reserves the right to not display any work considered unsafe or unsuitable for public display.  


Is there a minimum/maximum size?

Maximum size limits of 100 × 150 cm (portrait) or 150 × 100 cm (landscape) or 100 × 100 cm (square) apply to all entries. Overall dimensions must include:

  • Framed submissions – frame and any protuberances.
  • Unframed submissions – any border or handling area.

There is no minimum size.

How will I know if my work has been selected for exhibition?

You will be advised via email on Monday 2 June 2025.

If selected, when do I deliver my entry for exhibition?

Approximate delivery dates are from Monday 28 July to Friday 1 August 2025.

Full details will be supplied by email upon notification on your pre-selection for exhibition.

If selected, do I need to do anything special before I deliver my entry?

  • Ensure you haven’t exceeded the maximum size – including frame (where applicable).
  • Ensure framing is to a professional standard.
  • Framed artwork must have D-rings positioned 6 cm below top of frame.
  • Do not attach string/wire to D-rings.
  • Make sure your label includes “OCA”, your name and entry title on the back of the framed work.
  • Include instructions for collection of return of entry.
  • Pack carefully so that your packaging can be re-used for return.

When is the exhibition on display?

Saturday 16 August – Sunday 2 November 2025.

When does the winner get announced?

Exhibition opening and announcement of winners is Saturday 30 August, 5 pm to 7 pm, with announcements at approximately 5:45 pm.

What are the prizes?

  • First prize $20,000 acquisitive.
  • Director’s Choice purchases up to wholesale value of $4,000 plus GST.
  • People’s Choice $1,500 announced at end of exhibition (non-acquisitive).

What is the difference between the artist biography and statement?

The artist biography should provide a brief description of your overall practice, whether you are an emerging or established artist, what awards you have won, etc.

Your artist statement should provide further context or understanding of the portrait you have submitted, including information about the sitter or photographic processes used.

Entrants are not required to supply an artist biography or statement, but they can provide further context for the judges.

Who is responsible for entry insurance/transport from the Gallery?

For the 20-year anniversary, the Gallery will coordinate and pay for the return freight of any unsold works at the conclusion of the OCA Finalist Exhibition, with a provider of the Gallery’s choice. Return locations must be in Australia only. (Note: In the instance that a freight provider can only return artwork to the nearest depot, artists will be notified to arrange transport from the depot to the final destination.)

The Gallery will maintain adequate insurance cover against loss, damage, theft or destruction of the artwork for the period of the finalist exhibition, and for unsold returning artworks, from the Gallery to the agreed return address. Finalists will be contacted in writing and must make themselves available to receive the work on the agreed date. Any additional freight or storage costs incurred by artists not available to receive works on agreed date will be the responsibility of the artist.

Who can I contact if I have any further questions?

You can ring the Gallery on 02 6670 2790 between Sunday and Wednesday to speak with the Award Coordinator, or submit your query in writing to awardsandprizes@tweed.nsw.gov.au.